Thursday 15 October 2015

On Page Optimization techniques

On Page Optimization


On page optimization refers to tweaking your website for improving organic traffic. There are several proven methods comes under on-page optimization to improve ranking. On page optimization includes title optimization, meta description optimization, content optimization, content heading optimization, title optimization etc.

Title Optimization

Page title content is an important factor in on-page optimization. Meta title content appears as title of website in search engine result.

  • Title should be unique and relevant to content of the webpage. 
  • For better appearance of title in search engine result page, limit the title characters to 60 or 65 and should be minimum of 40 characters. 
  • Try to place the keyword on the beginning of the title content. 

URL Optimization

Intention behind URL optimization is the URL itself will tell the content information in the webpage easily and leads to better crawling by search engine bots.

  • Use words related to content of webpage in URL 
  • Avoid special characters, symbols, comma's in URL 
  • Should place the targeted keyword on the beginning of permalink structure. 

Meta description Optimization

Meta description is a brief description about your content of webpage and it is showing as a description about webpage in search engine result page.Writing meta description in an effective manner will increase organic traffic to your site and improve the position of site in search engine result.

  • Meta description should limit to 160 characters. 
  • Meta description should be an accurate summary of your webpage. 
  • Use keywords in meta description. 
  • Should not try to stuff keywords but try to shuffle keywords and add in a meaningful manner. 

Header Tag Optimization

Usually the h1 tag in HTML is the title of the post and h2 and h3 are headings of the content.

  • Should use h1 tag once in a post preferably at the top of the page.
  • Add h2 and h3 as related keywords of the content. 

Image Optimization

Image Optimization might drive traffic to your site through image search. Adding targeted keyword as Alt title and image title helps user to navigate to your webpage.

Optimization through linking

In a website we can make anchor text linking to other pages of the same website or link out to external websites. By creating Internal link, user can spend more time on your webpage. External link helps reader to get more relevant information about the content of webpage.

  • Should link only to trusted sites. 
  • If more than three links in a webpage is there, make it as no follow links. 
  • Should make do follow links only with trusted sites.

Authorship Optimization

Authorship is a significant factor in search engine optimization for improve ranking. Authorship is a path for content authors to establish their content in their ownership in google profiles. Content authors can add author tag to their published posts, which makes people to identify the author. Articles of authors with high authority is beneficial for improve ranking.

To know about basics of search engine optimization, I have already published a post named as" Some basic facts about SEO"

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Some Facts about Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine as a Marketing Tool 

Search Engine is a technology for Navigation of files on internet or web servers. Search engine
search engine marketing
helps to find relevant information about the topic you are searching for. Today, search engines become a necessary entity for internet users to spot their target. Hence search result pages are transforming to a most powerful platform for marketing and seeking potential customers for your business enterprise. Important marketing tactics based on search engine marketing are paid search advertising and search engine optimization. Paid search advertising refers to paid listing or buying a space in searching engine result page for advertising your website. Search engine optimization is a fairly interesting technique to ensure that the search engine can cache your site easily and index it in top position. 

How Search Engine Works?

When you made a query in search engine, three basic actions done in search engine to get the results are crawling, catching and indexing. To fetch the information from trillions of Web pages, search engines make use of special sophisticated software known as robots or crawlers or spider or bots. Search engine employs these content seeker robots and which is having the key role in search engine operation.Spiders scan trillions of web page contents and links to find the information, is referred as Crawling and then they  bring back the data and saved to search engine server database is called Caching. Finally listing of the web pages from the database matching to your query is termed as Indexing.

Search Engine Optimization-Basics

Search engine optimization is a technique for improving the position of a website on search engine rankings.Search engine optimization typically involves the revamping of a website in a crawlable format. Search engine optimization includes on-page optimization and off-page optimization. Changes made in website to optimize the site for search engines can list as on-page optimization and activities made outside the website for optimization is termed as off-page optimization. Link building, social media etc. comes under off-page optimization and on-page optimization includes adding fresh and proper contents, optimized title and title description etc.
Now-a-days commonly used search engines are Google, Yahoo & Bing and among these most prominent one is Google. First Google was an academic based search engine and it operates on university website servers. Later they registered as a domain and then Google strive to achieve user trust by modifying their algorithms and introducing new updations and become today's most popular search engine. 

 Google Algorithm Updations

On the beginning, Google faced complications in crawling the websites. This made Google to share the optimization concepts among webmasters. Webmasters tried to exploit the ideas and gained maximum benefit via black hat practices. In order to get high ranking, webmasters tried to stuff keywords in websites as Google used niche specific search engine in early days. This affects the quality of search results of Google and thus Google introduced updations and modifications in the algorithm.
search engine optimisationGoogle introduced many updations like panda, penguin, humming bird, pigeon etc. Panda Update is a search filter to find low quality content websites, grammatical errors and mainly against content spamming. Later Google modified to link specific and then quality link specific search engine from niche specific search engine. Penguin update focuses in link spamming and it finds the link spamming sites and omitted them from the Google search results. Hence search engine optimization is a technique for raising the position of a website in search engine results by doing white hat practices or ethical practices.

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